Identification and characterization of Cardiac Glycosides as senolytic compounds.

Triana-Martínez F, Picallos-Rabina P, Da Silva-Álvarez S, Pietrocola F, Llanos S, Rodilla V, Soprano E, Pedrosa P, Ferreirós A, Barradas M, Hernández-González F, Lalinde M, Prats N, Bernadó C, González P, Gómez M, Ikonomopoulou MP, Fernández-Marcos PJ, García-Caballero T, Del Pino P, Arribas J, Vidal A, González-Barcia M, Serrano M, Loza MI, Domínguez E, Collado … Read more

Cell senescence is an antiviral defense mechanism.

Baz-Martínez M, Da Silva-Álvarez S, Rodríguez E, Guerra J, El Motiam A, Vidal A, García-Caballero T, González-Barcia M, Sánchez L, Muñoz-Fontela C, Collado M, Rivas C.Sci Rep. 2016 Nov 16;6:37007. doi: 10.1038/srep37007.PMID: 27849057